
For ancient Egyptians, it was a sign of wealth and status. Romans would cultivate theirs to signify mourning, while Gauls equated the loss of one with castration. To the 21st-century man, though, t...
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Getting inked is something that almost every guy wants to get done, but few have what it takes to go through with it. A tattoo is something that will remain with you for a long time and which is wh...
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From prehistoric man to ancient Greece, from Celtic times to Russia of the 1800s, beards have been worn by bad asses. Just look back at what we know of the dawn of man. Neanderthal men had beards, ...
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“Show me a man with a tattoo and I’ll show you a man with an interesting past.” - Jack London Tattoos. What a loaded word it is, rife with an association to goons, goofs, bikers, tribal warriors, c...
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How Aloe Vera helps reducing excessive oil from skin Its natural astringent properties – which help to absorb that excess oil and other impurities from in the pores and on the skin Auxins and Gibb...
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History of Tattooing — By WhiskersFrom being used as a sign of status to jewellery-like markings, tattoos have been around in India since ancient times. But just how old this custom is, remains a m...
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The Psychology of Beards — By WhiskersIf you’re having trouble telling men from women, here’s a clue. Men are the ones with hair sprouting from their faces (alright more hair sprouting from their f...
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Finally, the design you’ve had in your head for months has now become a reality, and your skin is sporting a cool new tattoo. But what next? How do you look after it and ensure it heals well and en...
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